Plus de 98,5% de nos Implants sont placés selon un protocole mini-invasif, c’est à dire sans lambeau, le jour même de l’extraction de la ou des dents et avec pose d’un piler et d’une couronne provisoire quand il s’agit d’une dent située dans le secteur esthétique (visible de l’extérieur de la bouche).
Cette intervention s’accomplie selon des règles strictes d’asepsie et est toujours menée à l’aide de différents lasers qui garantieront une décontamination complète de la zone opérée et permettront de n’enlever que les tissus malades ou infectés. Ces mêmes lasers très précis et sélectifs permettront de pouvoir non seulement placer dans le même temps opératoire le ou les implants mais aussi de ne pas utiliser de matériaux appelés “biomatériaux“ la plus part du temps issu d’os bovin, porcin, équin voire même de cadavre humain.
Les intérêts majeurs de cette technique sont principalement :
Aucun signe extérieur d’intervention. Le jour de la chirurgie, le patient arrive avec sa/ses dent(s) délabrée(s) et sort du cabinet avec sa prothèse transitoire sans aucun signe extérieur.
Post-opératoire confortable sans douleur ni inflammation.
Pas de suture.
Remodelage tissulaire et ré-ossification précoce et sans utilisation de matériaux extérieurs.
Dans certains cas de délabrement osseux sévère où la chirurgie traditionnelle est longue nécessitant plusieurs interventions, compliquée et incertaine ce protocole est particulièrement indiqué.
Permet en seulement 3 séances (du début de la chirurgie) de terminer un cas par la pose de la prothèse définitive.
Tous les processus de réparation et de remodelage tissulaire sont accélérés par l’utilisation des lasers.
Permet de pouvoir placer des implants là où la chirurgie traditionnelle ne l’aurait pas permit sinon au prix de plusieurs interventions de l’utilisation de greffes diverses ou de biomatériaux et un temps total de traitement souvent multiplié par 3 ou 4.​


The principe of the minimally invasive implant surgery is more than a procedure, it is a full concept were all steps are contributing to reach the major keys for a long term implant outcome. Minimally Invasive Surgery is not only a surgical technique were smaller incisions are performed. It is also a coherent assessment were surgical impact and its associated products such as biomaterials or sutures are banned or at least minimized.
Minimally Invasive Implant Implant placement shouldn’t be only subtractive but a real rational tissue management where bone volumes are displaced by condensation or expansion ending by emphasizing the bone density. In raising the bone density the advantages are multiples like better primary stability and Bone/Implant Contact (BIC) that are the 2 most well spread cited factors for long-term implant survival and success. Immediate post-extractive implant placement is now accepted in clinical dentistry for reconstruction of partially or completely edentulous mandible or maxilla. Advantages of immediate implantation are numerous: post-extraction alveolar process resorption is reduced, diminution of surgical visits, shortening the treatment time by the diminution of the healing process, higher patient acceptance and satisfaction, improved functional and esthetic results. The clinical survival rates of immediately placed implants are comparable to those of implants placed following tooth extraction and wound healing. Preservation of the buccal plate allows precise implant placement, improves the prosthetic emergence profile and moreover preserves the morphology of the peri-implant soft tissues thereby affording improved esthetic-prosthetic performance. The surgical requirements for immediate implantation include extraction with the least trauma possible, preservation of the extraction socket walls and thorough alveolar curetage to eliminate all pathological material.
2 different wavelength from 2 distinct wavelength families (Erbium + Diode) will be use. The 1st, the Er:Cr,Ysgg will fully achieve the vaporization of the contaminated or potentially infected surface of the socket (collagen and Sharpey fibres + granulation tissue on the surface of the bundle bone) witch until now, no other device or procedure can substitute with such a precision and selectivity. The 2nd, thanks to its higher penetration potential will allow the complete desinfection deeply in the tissues. Moreover his hight potential of biomodulation will help to create an undisturbed and faster regeneration. Together they will contribute in reducing drastically the catabolic phase of healing or reconstruction stage. Then since we know that primary stability is an essential requirement the use of an aggressive implant shape and surface with deep threads combine to a condensation bone technique will help to reduce the healing period. The esthetic emerging profile issue will be achieve by a 1-2 mm sub-crest implant placement using a platform switching and a morse taper connection. This predictable treatment modality is due to a high rate of crestal bone preservation with a minimally invasive approach thanks to the selectivity of the Er:Cr,Ysgg.
But in immediate implant surgery one of the first dilemma is represented by the filling or not of the gap (between fixture and bone) ? The major issue is represented by the fact that during healing this hiatus will be contaminated by germs and eventual undifferentiated cells from the epithelium lineas. We all know that the following cell competition will ends up by a loss of bone. If we don’t want to use bone substitutes, the only alternative will be Guided Bone Regeneration without Biomaterial Barrier Membrane and bone volume managing procedure. This suppose tissues themselves must have the sufficient barrier effect again any buccal fluid leakage. A bone regeneration must be induce by selectivity but we don’t want to delay the catabolic phase. Such an arrangement can be found with a special management of natural fully biocompatible vital tissues, think autogenous like the periosteum and the use of platelet concentrates witch are considered as innovative tools of regenerative medicine, particulary in oral and maxillofacial surgery. But again a hight selective and disinfection tool like the laser is mandatory to achieve such conditions to avoid cell competition and loosing this precious time before reconstruction.
Following these principles, this catabolic phase during the healing time will be substantially reduce, bringing an anabolic phase faster and allowing a quicker loading and an esthetic outcome more predictable.

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Our Team

Dr. Gilles Chaumanet
Dr. Gilles Chaumanet is graduated from the University of Nantes in 1983. He is Clinical Associate Professor at University of LUDES HEI Malta, Visiting Professor at Tapei Medical University, Professor A.C. at the University of Cagliari in Italy. He currently maintains a private practice in oral surgery and implantology in Villeneuve Loubet, France, as well as in a second practice in Verona, Italy. He holds multiple mastership-level accreditations in Lasers, Periodontology, Implant Therapy, Oral Surgery, Radiology and Anatomy from various institutions of higher learning. He is currently serving as President for France of the Society for Oral Laser Applications, President for France of the Academy of Laser Education, President of International Institute of Laser Implantology, Member of the board of the International Institute of Laser Implantology, Ambassador of Global Oral Implant Academy, and is an active member of CENALOS, the French Society of Medical Lasers, International Academy of Periodontology, Italian Society of Oral Surgery, AGLZ Academy, International Congress of Oral Implantologists as well as participant and contributor to many different scientific committees and societies. He is researcher and author of different articles in international publications on topics like Laser, Oral surgery or dental implants.

Britta Chaumanet
Clinical Administrator and Accounting Manager. In charge of the organisation of the seminars and lectures.

Barbara Chevalier
Certified dental assistant from CNAQOS Nice Specialized in Oral surgery and implantology. In charge of the logistic and patient Care.
Our Fees
1 – Common treatments "under agreement": the acts listed in the nomenclature of Social Security (NHS), classical dental care, decay ... is usually refunded 70% out of the listed basis price. Having a health insurance plan (mutuelle), you will be granted of the remaining 30 %. However some of these listed treatments may required some adjacents therapy that are not covered by the Social Security and vice versa.
2 – Supplementary fees : Some treatments (inlay, prothesis, surgery…) request the use of high tech materials or sophisticated technologies are subject to additional fees. These these can be supported, for all or part, only by your personal health insurance according to the type of contract plan that you have subscribed.
3 – All non NHS covered treatments (periodontal treatment, dental implants...)are not subject to any support from the Health Care : Eventually your personal Health insurance will cover them.
Exemple of honoraries for a simple case of an implant management:
Minimally invasive surgical Implant placement (with laser) : 680€ - Non covered by Health care but eventually by your personal health insurance.
Placement of Implant abutment : 339€ - Idem
Placement of the final restauration (Full Ceramic : Emax/Zircone crown) : 680€ Supported by the Health Care on the listed nomenclature : Code HBLD418 : 107,5 €. The extra cost will be covered by your Health personal plan.
It is possible that the amount differs from one consultation to another because the fees charged reflect the consultation fee and the price of care and actions. A price cotation will be set for you before any treatment.
Accepted methods of payment: Credit card, check, cash.
Check Credit Cards Cash

Contact Us

Dr. Gilles P. Chaumanet
1368 Avenue de la Batterie, 06270 Villeneuve Loubet, France
Tel : +33(0)497100080
Email : dr.chaumanet@gmail.com