International Institute of Laser Implantology —
The principe of the minimally invasive implant surgery is more than a procedure, it is a full concept were all steps are contributing to reach the major keys for a long term implant outcome. Minimally Invasive Surgery is not only a surgical technique were smaller incisions are performed. It is also a coherent assessment were surgical impact and its associated products such as biomaterials or sutures are banned or at least minimized.
Minimally Invasive Implant Implant placement shouldn’t be only subtractive but a real rational tissue management where bone volumes are displaced by condensation or expansion ending by emphasizing the bone density. In raising the bone density the advantages are multiples like better primary stability and Bone/Implant Contact (BIC) that are the 2 most well spread cited factors for long-term implant survival and success. Immediate post-extractive implant placement is now accepted in clinical dentistry for reconstruction of partially or completely edentulous mandible or maxilla. Advantages of immediate implantation are numerous: post-extraction alveolar process resorption is reduced, diminution of surgical visits, shortening the treatment time by the diminution of the healing process, higher patient acceptance and satisfaction, improved functional and esthetic results. The clinical survival rates of immediately placed implants are comparable to those of implants placed following tooth extraction and wound healing. Preservation of the buccal plate allows precise implant placement, improves the prosthetic emergence profile and more over preserves the morphology of the peri-implant soft tissues thereby affording improved esthetic-prosthetic performance. The surgical requirements for immediate implantation include extraction with the least trauma possible, preservation of the extraction socket walls and thorough alveolar curettage to eliminate all pathological material. Some new devices like mechanical periotomes or osteotomes coupled to laser technology can be now utilize to enhance these objectives. Then since we know that primary stability is an essential requirement the use of an aggressive implant shape and surface with deep threads combine to a condensation bone technique will help to reduce the healing period. The esthetic emerging profile issue will be achieve by a 1-2 mm sub-crest implant placement using a platform switching and a morse taper. This predictable treatment modality will lead to a high rate of crestal bone preservation with a minimally invasive approach.
But one of the first dilemma in immediate implant surgery is : shall we fill the gap (between implant and bone) or not ? The major issue is represented by the fact that during healing this hiatus will be contaminated by germs and eventual undifferentiated cells from the epithelium lineas. We all know that the following cell competition will ends up by a loss of bone. If we don’t want to use bone substitutes, the only alternative will be Guided Bone Regeneration without Biomaterial Barrier Membrane and bone volume managing procedure. This suppose tissues themselves must have the sufficient barrier effect again any buccal fluid leakage. A bone regeneration must be induce by selectivity but we don’t want to delay the catabolic phase. Such an arrangement can be found with a special management of natural fully biocompatible vital tissues, think autogenous like the periosteum and the use of platelet concentrates witch are considered as innovative tools of regenerative medicine, particulary in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
In these conditions one of the key factors in immediate post extractional implant is represented by the vaporisation of the infected or potentially infected surface of the socket (collagen and Sharpey fibres + granulation tissue) that until now no other device or procedure can substitute and will contribute in reducing drastically the catabolic phase of healing or reconstruction.
Following these principles the catabolic phase during the healing time will be substantially reduce allowing a quicker loading and the esthetic outcome more predictable.
An other hot topic is the placement of implant under the sinus in the posterior maxilla. What choice should we make ? Avoid the sinus cavity by placement of short implants or pterigoid implants, lateral sinus-lift or crestal approach ? Grafting or non grafting ? Delayed, early or immediate loading ? So many questions and complicated solutions when an original, easy and predictable surgical technique will allow the placement of end osseous implants in the atrophic posterior maxilla in conjunction with sinus elevation without bone grafting ending in a reduce healing period with significant amount of bone formation around the implants at the sinus floor, resulting in successful restorations and eliminating the need for bone grafting.
"Treat tissues kindly and they will reward you"
Pr. Gilles P. Chaumanet
To avoid using filling materials, tissue must be conditioned to enable its regeneration. For immediate post-extraction implant placement, lasers are of unrivalled usefulness, because they enable socket decontamination by cleaning thoroughly all the bundle bone surface (Lamina Dura) preserving the calcified tissues needed for implant primary stability and induce bone regeneration.
In immediate post-extraction implant, the 2 critical aspects of the post-op are represented by infection and cell competition. The use of near IR wavelength will allow the complete desinfection deeply in the tissues. Moreover its hight potential of biomodulation will help to create the conditions for an undisturbed and faster regeneration.

Ridge expansion allows us to have unique healing vs. grafting "turn-over", and it allows us to have special clinical applications that we can't achieve with any other technique. It shortens the healing interval and reduces pain. For our patients it is a very minimally invasive approach. However, these techniques have a steeper learning curve and require special instrumentation (bone expanders, osteotomes) to complete.
The Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is fully recognized and widely used in many fields of surgery. Already few procedures are validated with the use of laser showing their superiority to the traditional ones. What are the possibilities in Implantology ? Is Flapless in healed sites and in immediate post extractive implantology can be a routine treatment ? What are the evolutions ?
In minimally Invasive implant therapy, the use of different laser wavelength is determinant in a coherent surgical protocol.
Based on scientific research and apply to reasonable and innovative procedures, these concepts will allow to simplify the implant treatment, reduce the time of healing and loss of tissues, avoid the use of potentially dangerous biomaterials and therefore diminish drastically the costs and the time of the implant process.

computer-guided “flap-less” surgery for implant placement using stereolithographic tem-plates is gaining popularity among clinicians and patients. The advantages of this surgical protocol are its minimally invasive nature, accuracy of implant placement, predictability, less post-surgical discomfort and reduced time required for definitive rehabilitation.
it is now possible to predetermine the precise 3D position of the implants, and then transfer the planning information into special stereolithogra-phic surgical templates. It also allow to built, in a very short time, a temporary prosthesis that can be simultaneously set up to the implant, creating an ILI (Immediate loading Implant) with a very accurate precision.

LLLT (Low Level Light Therapy) device characterised by wavelengths. They are transmitted locally and received by weakened cells. Penetrating deeply into the heart of the cells, these wavelengths stimulate them and accelerate their regeneration process. It reduces and relieves pain, accelerates healing and treats inflammation. This process stimulates an increase of the cells’ reparative metabolism by an increase in collagen synthesis and elastic fibres and improves the condition of every layer of the soft tissues and also of the bones.

Photo-BioModutation by LED Device
430/520nm 620/650nm 400/430nm

1368 Avenue de la Batterie
06270 - Villeneuve Loubet
Tel: +33497100080
Email: dr.chaumanet@gmail.com
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